Thursday, June 2, 2011

anime boy with black hair and glasses

anime boy with black hair and glasses. Anime Boy Angel Wallpaper. Emo
  • Anime Boy Angel Wallpaper. Emo

  • SPUY767
    Mar 23, 09:28 AM
    Its funny how every position at Apple is either a Vice President or Senior Vice President of something... hehe..

    That's because, One) All the people you hear about are department heads, and when you're in charge of a segment of a large corporation you're typically a Vice President, and Two) Apple doesn't just throw people into a position as a filler. When you are put in charge of a division of Apple, you're there because you've done good things in the past and they expect you to be there for the long haul.

    anime boy with black hair and glasses. anime boy with lack hair and
  • anime boy with lack hair and

  • mrpither
    Mar 25, 11:05 AM
    Missed their chance when Apple didn't approve the improved Google maps app the first time it was available. Now it has improved even more while has done nothing, and I'm sure Google has withdrawn the app now that they are doing their own phone OS.

    Come on Apple - give us a nice surprise.

    anime boy with black hair and glasses. anime boy black hair. anime
  • anime boy black hair. anime

  • Hawkeye411
    Mar 27, 09:02 PM
    no dude, read the thread. HE cancelled it. you can still see it in completed auctions as ended by the seller. when ebay cancels, it goes *poof*.

    Ok I see the auction says cancelled by seller. Guess we scared him ;)

    anime boy with black hair and glasses. anime boy with lack hair and
  • anime boy with lack hair and

  • techfreak85
    Dec 23, 01:47 PM
    This thread is about information regarding the overall Folding@home team, particularly changes in team ranking and daily point output.

    (Originally titled Looks like our folding team just dropped two places...)

    OP starts here:__________ #60...with another team set to pass us in about a week.:(
    I'm working on Bigadvs now, but it wont be enough. We need more members that will run bigadvs.


    anime boy with black hair and glasses. anime boy with lack hair and
  • anime boy with lack hair and

  • Muligan21
    Aug 9, 10:59 PM
    I am actually trying to find several Think Different posters for our new Mac Lab at our High School. I don't even mind if they are authentic and would actually prefer something more affordable.

    The Think Different posters would add a great touch but would like to find any Apple related posters I could frame and decorate our new lab.

    Thanks for any guidance and suggestions in advance.

    anime boy with black hair and glasses. anime boy with lack hair and
  • anime boy with lack hair and

  • Hisdem
    Apr 9, 01:16 PM
    Saw this in the dealership today. I want one. Who knows, when I have $118,000 I might give it a try :p (
    Yellow Beast ( by Hisdem (, on Flickr


    anime boy with black hair and glasses. anime boy with lack hair and
  • anime boy with lack hair and

  • Qwest905
    Dec 8, 11:35 AM
    my 27" imac desktop

    finally got it setup to my liking..thanks to everyone for the help on the geektool

    anime boy with black hair and glasses. Appearance:
  • Appearance:

  • MacBandit
    Nov 6, 02:05 PM
    i just installed it and then i read this which scares me...

    anyone else have this problem?

    I've had it installed on our 15Al 1.25 Powerbook since we got it last December. No issues.

    Apple replaced a bunch of touchpads on the 15Al so I suspect it wasn't just the program that caused the issue.


    anime boy with black hair and glasses. anime boy with lack hair and
  • anime boy with lack hair and

  • psychometry
    Oct 5, 07:27 PM
    Wow... that whole site is down. Too much traffic, or has Apple's top secret FBI assasin group struck again. One things for sure... don't "F" with those boys and their secrets.

    And to the Safari-haters, show some love. Safari might be a little short on features if you're used to Fox or Omni, but at the end of the day it's still the most elegant and simple browser out there, and it does have its strengths. It's RSS reader was pretty groundbreaking, and still is one of the best, it's one of the few browsers that actually handles fonts and anti-aliasing properly, and it renders CSS layouts very cleanly and without bugs for the most part. So don't hate so much. It's only going to get better every time.

    Safari's CSS is pretty good, but DOM support is lagging, in my opinion. I use Camino for general web browsing and Firefox with Firebug and other extensions for development. Maybe if Firefox 2 runs faster and leaks and uses less memory I'll use it for everything.

    IE7's RSS aggregator looks like it might shape out to be among the best.

    anime boy with black hair and glasses. anime boy with lack hair and
  • anime boy with lack hair and

  • ddrueckhammer
    Sep 27, 09:24 AM
    I now use GMail for Mail and use Picasa for photo hosting. It has great iPhoto intergartion and the premium service is like 20 bucks a year.

    Wow! I didn't know about Picasa web albums. It does integrate with iPhoto great and 1000 pictures on the web for free sounds good to me! So now this is what my Google Services page looks like:

    Google Calandar (Better in every way than .Mac's calandar, if it can be synched with iCal in Leopard I will be so happy)
    Gmail .Mac mail probably is on parity with it now with this update but sadly Google gives you much more space for free! (The ads are very minimal)
    Picasa Web Albums Awesome! Just awesome.
    Google Spreadsheets/Writely These have room to grow but are really handy in a pinch. I can't wait until they have a basic set of productivity apps Writely etc. online for free and not in beta. They aren't office killers but most people don't use 90% of the features of Office anyway.

    I stopped using Backup because it didn't work when I needed it to and besides the iDisk is much too small to backup anything but personal information. I use SuperDuper now with an external but will use Time Machine and an external with Leopard. I am using godaddy for my domain name and will probably use them as my host for my iWeb page next year when my account dies. Apple seriously needs to take a clue from google and offer the same kinds of apps at a much reduced price.


    anime boy with black hair and glasses. anime boy with lack hair and glasses. animals clipart, Anime; animals clipart, Anime. shartypants. Mar 24, 03:19 PM. Happy Xth Birthday!
  • anime boy with lack hair and glasses. animals clipart, Anime; animals clipart, Anime. shartypants. Mar 24, 03:19 PM. Happy Xth Birthday!

  • ABernardoJr
    Apr 27, 08:02 PM
    ....because Apple says nothing and allows it to fester.

    Allow a non-issue to "fester" all you want. Bottom line is that it still doesn't turn it into anything beyond a non-issue

    anime boy with black hair and glasses. anime boy with lack hair and
  • anime boy with lack hair and

  • Black Belt
    Apr 8, 01:46 PM
    Unlike most of you spoiled punks who never owned an Atari or played in a real arcade, I did and this game ROCKS! $15 for chunk o' games is nothing unless you're still living off yer mama's teet. Get a job, even a remedial one like the Apple store and quit yer whining. You just suck in Asteroids, that's all.


    anime boy with black hair and glasses. anime boy with lack hair and
  • anime boy with lack hair and

  • djejrejk
    Jan 11, 10:13 AM
    I should thank Steve Jobs for a Keynote that saved me money and didn't have me lusting after something. Amount to be spent as a result of this keynote - �0

    AppleTV - pointless.
    iPhone - beautiful. I'm NEVER spending that much on a phone. EVER.
    New Airport Extreme - cost twice what it should.

    The airport base station is priced competitively with other n routers.. check out linksys new N router.

    Jobs didnt have much of a choice about the iPhone. Its what some many people in the media wanted so he had to deliver or Apple stock might have suffered. I dont agree with it but I dont blame him. I was looking for a MacBook Pro update but I'm not worried :D

    anime boy with black hair and glasses. anime guys with lack hair and
  • anime guys with lack hair and

  • likemyorbs
    Mar 19, 01:22 PM
    The military can execute a criminal for rape or desertion. Treason is also a capital offense. None of these things involve killing a person, and desertion and treason might not involve any physical harm at all.

    At any rate, you're still being very selective in your arguments. In the OP I laid out a series of reasons why the death penalty should be abandoned, and have only addressed one or two of them, and unconvincingly at that. Additionally, you have failed to make a convincing argument why life imprisonment without parole is not a sufficient punishment for the worst crimes.

    The only thing you mentioned in the op is cost, which i already addressed. And as i said, i don't support capital punishment for crimes like rape, desertion, or treason. Actually, child rape is death penalty worthy. Either way though, I'm really not trying to prove anything, I'm just stating my opinion that i support the current laws regarding that. You on the other hand are trying to prove that the death penalty is wrong, and as of now I don't think you've proven your point.


    anime boy with black hair and glasses. Anime Boy With Black Hair And Glasses. anime boy black hair. anime; anime boy black hair. anime. Jonasgold. Apr 8, 04:15 AM
  • Anime Boy With Black Hair And Glasses. anime boy black hair. anime; anime boy black hair. anime. Jonasgold. Apr 8, 04:15 AM

  • ezekielrage_99
    Mar 21, 06:06 PM
    8) Other artists. They always have pre-defined notions are are rarely up for up for interpretation
    9) Design by committee. When there is more then 2 or 3 people approving your design, RUN.

    Ahhh yes.. I forgot about those two chestnuts :)

    Marketing departments also seem to have the same affect on me as other artists, they have an idea and generally wont let it go... They seem to pop in awesome critiques like:
    make it more webbish
    We are looking for a great design, it will bring much honor and prosperity to our beloved company. (yes from a non English speaking client)

    While design committee = death by firing squad

    anime boy with black hair and glasses. anime boy with lack hair and
  • anime boy with lack hair and

  • Max(IT)
    Apr 21, 05:04 AM
    Android will be on more things by the end of the year. iOS is restricted to apple products. But we are already seeing the creativity that people are using android for. Being that it is open source and easy to modify and write on we have many things. Android now powers eReaders, TVs, Video games, and even a microwave

    I would add FORTUNATELY iOS is restricted to Apple products ... :rolleyes:

    Android open source ? Yes, yes, you can bet on it :D


    anime boy with black hair and glasses. emo hair boy anime. Black hair
  • emo hair boy anime. Black hair

  • JustMe74
    May 6, 11:20 AM
    How do I do it?

    I have both an iPod Touch and an iPhone; currently set to sync the music to the iPod and the apps to the iPhone. When my new iMac arrives, how do I move everything over? I have the library consolidated to one folder on my PC.

    anime boy with black hair and glasses. Anime Boy With Black Hair And
  • Anime Boy With Black Hair And

  • alhedges
    Apr 28, 02:37 PM
    HTC Thunderbolt outsold the iPhone 4 on Verizon.

    Not even close. The 4 sold 2.2 million on Verizon; the Thunderbolt sold maybe 500-700,000. TB sold 130,000/wk. 4 on Verizon sold 366,000/wk.

    This whole meme is based on an analyst who called a 150 Verizon stores and asked how the TB was selling vs. the 4. 61% said that they were selling about the same; 28% said that the TB was selling better.

    This was a stupid methodology, of course, since it left out factors like how the 4 was selling at Apple stores or online...or at any place other than verizon stores. And the analyst also only polled stores in locations were LTE was available.

    anime boy with black hair and glasses. Anime Boy With Black Hair And Glasses. Black Hair Blue Eyes Anime Boy; Black Hair Blue Eyes Anime Boy. mdgm. Apr 5, 06:28 AM
  • Anime Boy With Black Hair And Glasses. Black Hair Blue Eyes Anime Boy; Black Hair Blue Eyes Anime Boy. mdgm. Apr 5, 06:28 AM

  • Hummer
    Dec 26, 10:46 PM

    May 5, 03:34 PM
    Aaaah thanks so much!

    Nov 25, 08:20 AM
    I think you need to talk with dealer

    Apr 25, 10:23 AM
    LOL! These white iphone threads are hilarious. Only mindless Apple drones would spend so much time debating the "color" of a product. :D

    Yea, sure. If they had a different Hemroid based colored phone you'd be all over it.

    Doctor Q
    Apr 17, 06:12 PM
    Please do not post duplicate threads.

    Apr 23, 09:40 AM
    In Mac OS X 10.6.7...

    Japanese charaters works in while AppleLocale is set to en_US, en_GB or ja_JP.

    But if I do:
    defaults write -globalDomain AppleLocale sv_SE

    and Log out and Log in. Then will display whitespaces instead of the charaters, both if I cat a file or open it in vim.

    To reproduce, in
    $ cat

    Vim displays the correct UTF-8 hex values while the cursor is under a japanese character and pressing "g8", but will not display the character.

    If I do not use the swedish locale, the week number will be incorrect, while date(1) displays:
    $ date -v2011y -v4m -v23d '+%U %V %W'
    16 16 16

    All Cocoa apps that uses week number will display 17 /except/ for swedish when they display 16. (For 23rd of April).

    $ gcc -xobjective-c -framework Foundation -
    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>


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