Thursday, June 2, 2011

armorgames logo

armorgames logo.

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 21, 12:44 AM
    Nah, too messy. Lethal injection does the trick just fine. Put them to sleep like those poor pit bulls in shelters.

    Lethal injection is pretty messy. Oftentimes willing competent medical personnel are scarce, the procedure is badly executed, and things don't go very smoothly. Of course, you probably don't mind doing it a little bit sloppy and working in some extra pain, but the procedure is far from neat and clean. There is in fact plenty of evidence to the contrary.

    armorgames logo. New Armor Games Contest
  • New Armor Games Contest

  • SimonTheSoundMa
    Oct 18, 03:04 PM
    Big meet up on the day at the Apple Store, Bullring.

    armorgames logo. New Armor Games Contest
  • New Armor Games Contest

  • gravytrain84
    Apr 7, 04:45 PM
    I dont get all the whining? Of course its to patch the exploit... simple.. Just dont update.. :rolleyes:

    armorgames logo. To Release On Armor Games
  • To Release On Armor Games

  • mikeschmeee
    Apr 5, 01:42 PM

    Here are some photos I snapped from two car shows I went to over the weekend. I didn't bring my Prelude as I was in the middle of bleeding my brake lines so I just stopped by on foot.

    Speed Syndicate BBQ ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (


    armorgames logo. Community | Armor Games
  • Community | Armor Games

  • Peterkro
    Mar 3, 02:37 PM
    BTW, what is with people like you who think they need to relate everything to slavery, the holocaust, or racism? :o

    Possibly because that is what's happening,wage slavery,deaths in Africa,the percentage of black people in U.S. goals,any of this making any sense to you?

    armorgames logo. I Have 1 Day by Armor Games
  • I Have 1 Day by Armor Games

  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 2, 11:29 AM
    Please don't post duplicate posts on MacRumors, thanks.

    The discussion on the potential new MBPs is over here. (


    armorgames logo. this is for armor games:
  • this is for armor games:

  • *LTD*
    Mar 25, 12:47 PM
    Or you could just buy the TomTom iOS app for $39.99...

    Let's not forget the Garmin app. It actually works very well.

    armorgames logo. ArmorGames, Now Largest Source
  • ArmorGames, Now Largest Source

  • Cleberg
    Apr 23, 11:49 AM
    Is there a way to have alerts created automatically when when a new event is entered?


    armorgames logo. armor games
  • armor games

  • Chaszmyr
    Sep 20, 11:15 AM
    There are a couple nice looking brush aluminum keyboards on the market, unfortunately, they have a PC layout rather than a Mac layout.

    armorgames logo. Armor Games
  • Armor Games

  • applemike
    Feb 4, 03:46 PM
    i have no links its a photo i took on our trip to vegas.

    Thank you for the quick reply.
    It's a shame, very nice photo there. Thank you anyway


    armorgames logo.

  • rebscb
    Sep 9, 02:50 PM
    ATI website (photographic) evidence suggests that the ATI 9000 mobility may be the next graphics card in the powerbook.

    armorgames logo. armorgames
  • armorgames

    Dec 15, 11:33 PM
    I used SnowTunes Noir ( (it's part of the download, there's three versions in one installer, both Noir and HUD are dark, just different styles). It's been working well for a long time now.


    thanks, I will try that out!!!


    armorgames logo.

  • XForge
    Jul 30, 10:42 AM
    Heh, cool, and as with other similar storage technologies, a disc will take 123087012863018 hours to write and blank media will cost $120370860861 each for about the next 10 years. Still, cool!!!! nonetheless.

    armorgames logo. armorgames
  • armorgames

  • SPUY767
    Mar 23, 09:28 AM
    Its funny how every position at Apple is either a Vice President or Senior Vice President of something... hehe..

    That's because, One) All the people you hear about are department heads, and when you're in charge of a segment of a large corporation you're typically a Vice President, and Two) Apple doesn't just throw people into a position as a filler. When you are put in charge of a division of Apple, you're there because you've done good things in the past and they expect you to be there for the long haul.


    armorgames logo. Chaos Faction 2 Armor Games
  • Chaos Faction 2 Armor Games

  • arn
    Apr 19, 12:10 AM
    We've asked it to be removed.


    armorgames logo. Elsewhere in ArmorGames, the
  • Elsewhere in ArmorGames, the

  • Feisty49
    Mar 29, 09:38 PM
    Just got a new 6th gen Nano. About 20 seconds into anything being played, it shuts down.. apparently going to sleep. The alarm clock is not on. Nothing in the fitness area is turned on. I've reset it to factory defaults. Any info or ideas concerning why it keeps going to sleep? Thanks!!


    armorgames logo. armor games dresser combo
  • armor games dresser combo

  • WillEH
    Mar 27, 02:28 PM
    Not once in the description does it say that is the picture you are getting. eBay allows the use of stock photos (which in most cases look nothing like what is actually being sold) for sellers to describe their item, obviously you are too remedial to realize that obvious fact as well. I have done this multiple times, all of which ended in success. eBay auctions are legally binding contracts with the description as the stipulations. I suggest you take a basic course in law or political philosophy and maybe you won't sound like such a jackass when you get proved wrong.

    So one more question for you, if you are so sure I will lose, why don't you just buy it to prove a point to me? Don't you want me to lose money shipping it to you to make me learn a lesson? Don't you want to be able to leave negative feedback on my account at no cost to you (since you're sure you will get a refund and eBay will side with you)? Seems like a pretty good opportunity for you chap. Good luck. :)

    I'm smarter than you in every way, just let it go kiddo. ;)

    Heres what he said back to me when i messaged him.

    The guy is obviously a massive e-fool :rolleyes:

    armorgames logo. armor games dresser combo
  • armor games dresser combo

  • Mal
    Dec 15, 10:51 PM
    how do i make my top bar black???

    I used SnowTunes Noir ( (it's part of the download, there's three versions in one installer, both Noir and HUD are dark, just different styles). It's been working well for a long time now.


    armorgames logo. johnny
  • johnny

  • Maccus Aurelius
    Nov 20, 02:30 PM
    Well this certainly beats that ipod integration nonsense. MP3 player phones are a dime a dozen, I'd rather see great communication device that take how the user communicates to the next level, not just stuff a music player in it.

    Oct 16, 09:43 AM
    Still searching for that perfect Mail icon for Halloween. This is a new WP, though.

    May 5, 07:15 PM
    I'm drooling over some of the Corrado pics that were posted. I've always loved those cars. I believe to this day they still look modern.

    Mar 29, 04:14 PM
    OK, here's the setup: we have two Xserves, with XSan set up as a clustered mail server. The OS is 10.6 Server, fully up to date.

    We're using this as a replacement for our dying mail server. Now, before I get too far into this, we do have a handful of mail users on a 10.5 Server... mostly our power users whose large mailboxes were an issue on the aging mail server.

    So far I have two accounts set up on the Open Directory that the mail servers are using, me and my boss. We're receiving mail just fine (we've set our enterprise LDAP to deliver mail via SMTP to both the old and new servers for the two of us for now), and we can email each other.

    But, if I attempt to use the new Mac mail cluster to send mail to anyone other than my boss, I get:

    550 5.1.1 <first.last@mydomain.tld>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table

    And yes, that's true, it's not defined in the local table, because it's an account we haven't migrated over yet. The expected and desired behavior is that it will take any email that it can't deliver locally and send it to the server defined in "Relay outgoing mail through host:".

    I say expected, because this is exactly how our 10.5 server works. We can point out clients to it for outgoing mail, and what it can't deliver locally, it sends out to the mail relay, which gets it to where it's needed. And yes, I've compared the mail configuration screens of the 10.5 and the 10.6 box, and in every way (except where 10.6 brought a new option), they're identical (other than the host name).

    Does anyone have an idea? This isn't just a transition issue; our domain is shared amongst dozens off offices with thousands of users, and only 200 of them will be on this server.

    Nov 24, 09:34 AM
    Give a shot!

    Full of Win
    Apr 29, 12:29 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The concept for an Apple phone/computer from 1983.

    Image (

    I want an iPad dock like that for the office.

    Write a check big enough to The Silicon Bank and it can be yours.

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