Thursday, June 2, 2011

live wallpaper

live wallpaper. aCircuit Board Live wallpaper
  • aCircuit Board Live wallpaper

  • rev316
    Jan 26, 08:00 PM

    live wallpaper. aquarium live wallpaper.
  • aquarium live wallpaper.

  • Blue Velvet
    Feb 14, 12:37 PM
    Just to let know everybody that i just sent my first complain about edesignuk as a moderator.

    You're kidding... :confused:

    If it's a joke, it's not funny.
    If it isn't then it doesn't need to be made public.

    live wallpaper. Logcat Live Wallpaper
  • Logcat Live Wallpaper

  • Philalbe
    Mar 21, 03:50 AM
    You went back to school and you didn't learn how to bill or control a client? Your very first mistake was booking a $75 job with a 3 hour time limit. If that is all someone can afford, then don't work for them. In my experience, the cheaper they are, the more demanding they usually are. Your second mistake was giving the power to your client and not billing him for phone time. You didn't manage the job and you paid the price. I bet you didn't even have a signed contract. :eek:

    Hi. You're right about my lack of pricing knowledge. I remember when I was in school I would often ask instructors about pricing and they would kind of cryptically shy away from it. It would be good if they added a class about pricing and ethics to the curriculum, or at least provided students with a packet containing basic pricing guidelines.

    live wallpaper. support live wallpapers ^^
  • support live wallpapers ^^

  • Mactivist
    Nov 30, 08:17 AM
    Oh, well boo-hoo that it costs $100m to make a peice of crap movie. Some of the best films of the last ten years have been smaller, independent productions with budgets less than $20m. So, how about you all stop wasting your money and focus on story and character rather than big marketing campaigns to convince people that there's anything at all redeeming about the over-hyped ************ you release.

    And on that tip, think about this big studios: If you're getting $8-$12 in sheer profit for a movie download, there's a good chance this money is coming from someone who may not have paid at all, as people who currently steal movies from the internet, already download them. There's an incentive there to get something high quality and that is cheaper than buying the retail boxed product.

    Also, I don't have the numbers in front of me, but you big studios are actually cutting out one of the middle-men in partnering with apple, as Apple becomes both distributor and retailer. Right? So, less mark-ups for other people - no packaging, shipping costs, no big displays for online downloads. That's going to save you money too.

    So, basically, stop whining.


    live wallpaper. animated Live Wallpaper
  • animated Live Wallpaper

  • Chilly Penguin
    Apr 12, 04:55 AM
    First post!
    My desktop for my fairly new MBP that I purchased last week! :D

    live wallpaper. live wallpaper for Android
  • live wallpaper for Android

  • monaarts
    Apr 6, 02:21 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Well based on the news that Apple's new NC data center was the largest for a single company. I would say yes.

    No way ... each gmail account gets upwards of 7 gigabytes of storage ... do you even know how many gmail accounts there are?

    Google definitely has more than Apple, it may be that they spread it over multiple data centers, so it's not counted as one.

    Yea.. But they dot have 7GB actually sitting there for that one customer. They might have 10 allocated to 10 customers and add as they need to, because I bet 99% of gmail users don't have 1Gb on there! People don't think about stuff like this...

    So of EVERYONE had a 64gb iPad that was going to have auto sync to these servers, a 64gb space might work for 2 or 3 customers that only have half or a third of their iPad filled. When a company says you get 7GB they don't hol that space for you, they just allow you to use that much.


    live wallpaper. Live Wallpaper: Nexus Boot!
  • Live Wallpaper: Nexus Boot!

  • Xapplimatic
    Jan 9, 03:57 PM
    What happened to all the software updates?? Guess he's holding that off until next Mac World.. :(

    live wallpaper. Live Wallpaper Tool OwnSkin
  • Live Wallpaper Tool OwnSkin

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 7, 02:44 PM
    I hope other vintage game systems come out for iOS. I'd like to see Coleco make a football game (with the red dots) for iphone. The buttons could go on the screen with room for the field above. The head to head version could be played using two iphones over wifi instead of two people grasping it from opposite sides.


    live wallpaper. Stonerview Live Wallpaper
  • Stonerview Live Wallpaper

  • R94N
    Aug 3, 08:31 AM
    I just changed it. I like to take screensavers from, although if I find a few nice ones on here I'll probably change it again :) I think it's like the US Qashquai - not terribly exciting but there you go.

    live wallpaper. Shark Attack Live Wallpaper
  • Shark Attack Live Wallpaper

  • dukebound85
    Jan 11, 01:37 AM
    a good article about diesel and the US


    live wallpaper. Earth Live Wallpaper
  • Earth Live Wallpaper

  • ChrisTX
    Apr 28, 08:15 AM
    "Just wait for the Verizon iPhone 4 numbers!"
    "Just wait for the White iPhone 4 numbers!"
    "Just wait for the iPhone 4S numbers!"
    "Just wait for the iPhone 5 numbers!"

    I'm starting to see a pattern.

    Name 1 Android device with sales figures like the iPhone 4.


    You are/were 1 to 2 years late with putting out this Verizon iPhone.

    Android has gained adoption...

    Don't worry, you will be fine in the long run - a Verizon LTE iPhone 6 will get your sales kicked in within the Verizon market. I know I will be going back to an iPhone when it happens. :cool:

    Keep in mind Apple approached VZW first, and when they were turned down, Apple then went to Cingular(Now AT&T).

    live wallpaper. scary Eye Live Wallpaper
  • scary Eye Live Wallpaper

  • SchneiderMan
    Feb 16, 02:40 PM
    Who said they were models? They're a girl band. Too bad the photo wasn't vastly over-photoshopped for your enjoyment. :rolleyes:

    Oh well then discard my past comment :o


    live wallpaper. A beautiful 3D live wallpaper
  • A beautiful 3D live wallpaper

  • trogdor!
    Mar 27, 01:08 AM
    I know in 10.4 you can enable the machine as an xgrid client. Can you run the server portion in 10.4 or do you have to have the 10.4 server?

    live wallpaper. However, Mario Live Wallpaper
  • However, Mario Live Wallpaper

  • matteusclement
    Apr 25, 06:03 PM
    I need to put video on my ipad, just need it done faster than the current handbrake method. what settings do I need to modify to get it done faster?


    live wallpaper. live wallpaper Nexus One .
  • live wallpaper Nexus One .

  • skunk
    May 4, 04:55 PM
    Many forum members here in the past have claimed that these methods also fall under the classification of torture, so what if information obtained using these methods led to the death of O.B.L.?It would simply indicate a failure of intelligence, and would invalidate any trial evidence. His death is meaningless anyway.
    As for the poster who asked what has been gained by his death, its called retribution.Who wants retribution? Your country has just destroyed two other nations and caused the deaths of in the region of a million people, including 4,000 US soldiers, and more or less bankrupted itself, all for what, 3,000 dead, in a search for one man? Is that retribution, or is it lunacy? How many more people now want retribution on the USA?

    live wallpaper. [Live Wallpaper] HTC Sense
  • [Live Wallpaper] HTC Sense

  • wongulous
    Sep 24, 04:46 PM
    I think at your age it is your parent's responsibility to provide for you. That isn't arguable. What is arguable is how they will provide moral/ethical/behavioral guidance to you--and I don't think that trying to stop you from doing something that (a) you're already doing, (b) you're going to do as soon as you can, (c) you're going to do anyway, and (d) that can be done safely. You are your own person and can make your own actions, choices, and (perhaps) mistakes. I think any parent that at your age of 18 tries to tell you where you can or cannot go, at whose house you can or cannot sleep over, or what girl you can or cannot like/love/date/****, is overparenting.

    Cut the umbilical cord and start making your own choices--your parents need to cope with your adulthood.


    live wallpaper. 3D Tunnel Live Wallpaper
  • 3D Tunnel Live Wallpaper

  • Scottsdale
    Apr 28, 07:51 PM
    Patents only mean something if they're completely defended from copycats. I believe both companies are 100% correct in bringing legal action if they believe their patents have been violated without fair compensation.

    As an AAPL shareholder, I am glad Apple is challenging all over with their patent portfolio, as it provides more intangible value to the company, its future products, and of course the stock values.

    I hope Apple wins in all battles, and we should be behind them for seeking damages not ridicule them as I see on these forums so often.

    live wallpaper. Heatmap Live Wallpaper
  • Heatmap Live Wallpaper

  • jared1988
    Apr 5, 08:00 AM
    That thing is just awesome! Might copy the theme for my old bug I've got in the garage (sitting there in parts for almost 5 years now :rolleyes:).

    yeah rusty is pretty amazing. not sure if you know the whole story, its pretty epic

    live wallpaper. Top Rated Live Wallpapers for
  • Top Rated Live Wallpapers for

  • wrldwzrd89
    Feb 15, 12:56 PM
    bousozoku and all the other new moderators:

    You are exactly what the forums needed to deal with the wave of spammers that have been striking as of late. I remember one member in particular (I won't name which one) had a post average of over 60 per day shortly after being banned. I know this because I checked that user's profile. 60 per day is almost surely spamming when even Mr. Anderson can't manage more than 16 legitimate posts per day - I haven't found any more active member.

    May 6, 02:11 AM
    Could I use a MiniDV camera for video input (ignoring its microphone) but a USB microphone for sound input at the same time in iMovie?

    Apr 7, 03:00 PM
    I hope other vintage game systems come out for iOS. I'd like to see Coleco make a football game (with the red dots) for iphone. The buttons could go on the screen with room for the field above. The head to head version could be played using two iphones over wifi instead of two people grasping it from opposite sides.

    Uhm, it is already out :) I have had it for over a year.

    Apr 7, 04:02 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Awesome. Some might be Coleco exclusives, but I'd probably buy these if available:

    Burger Time
    Keystone Kapers
    Mouse Trap
    River Raid
    Empire Strikes Back
    Kool-Aid Man (lamest game i can remember, but so funny)
    Donkey Kong Jr
    Bumper Jumper
    Yar's Revenge
    Missile Command

    Dec 24, 04:33 PM
    i think i got a gps and a watch but ill tell you tomorrow =P

    Apr 6, 01:11 PM
    AppleInsider claims that this 12 PB are used for iTunes Movies. Would be great, if the HD Movies got a better quality -> higher bit rate -> bigger file size �

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