Thursday, June 2, 2011

amor no correspondido

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  • hulugu
    Apr 5, 10:41 PM
    There seems to be a lot of confusion between morality and reality in this thread. Let me give a real life experience as example and comparison....
    I don't have all the details, so I won't comment further on this unfortunate rape and please don't misinterpret that I am saying theft compares to rape. My point is that each of us can take steps to protect ourselves. Will taking these steps guarantee our safety, no, but they can certainly minimize risk.

    I agree, but there's a vast difference between trying to 'minimize risk' and the post below:

    ...If a man sees a woman with a low top, lots of cleavage showing, high skirts and heels, then he will view her as trash.....

    Which acts as a kind of justification.

    Your comparison isn't apt. If you're wearing gold chains and bracelets and hundred dollar bills sticking out of your pockets, yes it would increase your chances of being mugged.

    I would argue that flashing cash is worse in terms of risk than wearing a suit, but that depends on the neighborhood and the suit. A well-dressed Wall Street-type in a chicano neighborhood is running a higher risk than the vato with a thick bank roll. However, Gelfin's comparison remains, as Lord Blackadder noted, apt.

    Neither man deserves to be robbed and moreover no one will try to argue some mitigating circumstances for the attacker. However, in rape cases, the woman's behavior can become part of an argument to remove some guilt from the attacker.

    The defense for rapists is wholly different than the defense for robbers because the first tries to envelop the victim as some kind of co-conspirator with the accused.

    amor no correspondido. amor n o correspondido. por q
  • amor n o correspondido. por q

  • Detlev
    Apr 25, 08:25 AM
    I held onto one 3GS iphone at the last upgrade just for this. Gonna get me a white iPhone 4 this week :D

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  • Slurpy2k8
    Mar 23, 11:01 AM
    Now if this guy is not leaving to retire. Then RIP Apple. Seriously, if Apple thinks I want my computer to resemble an overgrown iPad then they can loose my money and I'll be buying an Alienware.
    Microsoft seem to be the only ones that still get computers? Apple has done brilliantly as well but I really do worry that they have an itch to dumb them down to ridiculous levels!!

    Then again...... perhaps the man is leaving because he just is not comfortable with the talk from other employee's about where they want to take Apple after Mr Jobs leaves which is no doubt going to be very soon. I have a feeling they want to go in an entirely new direction..

    IMO you don't leave a massively successful company after 22 years without a reason unless your retiring.

    I'm sure Apple won't miss 'loosing' your money (seriously, why the hell can't people spell this word right), nor do they give a damn what you think, as they seem to understand what most people want, more so than any other company on the planet. I have the Lion beta installed, and it's by far their best release yet. Goodluck with the alienware.

    amor no correspondido. un amor no correspondido †
  • un amor no correspondido †

  • mkrishnan
    Feb 20, 11:58 AM
    Enough! :rolleyes:

    Please stop bumping this thread. If you have a question for the seller or are interested in the status of her sale, contact her directly (PM, etc). If you are not interested but have valuable advice about her phone purchasing strategy, parenting, or lifestyle, either PM her or keep it to yourself.


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  • heyp
    Oct 9, 03:26 PM
    can anyone confirm no additional themes like in the original tweetie? it may sound lame but i liked the chat bubble theme and was one of the reasons i bought tweetie in the first place

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  • zen.state
    Mar 27, 02:10 PM
    thanks zen.state.

    what compound would you recommend? arctic silver seems to be the standard

    I have only used Arctic Silver 5 and OCZ Ultra 5. Both are good. I have even read in a couple places that the OCZ is actually just repackaged Arctic Silver. The OCZ tends to be darker than others though.

    In the end though the difference from the worst to the best paste is maybe 1-3C. Every bit does help though.

    Be sure to only use a dab on each CPU raised middle that is about the size of a grain of rice. Any other pertinent info about the application of individual pastes will be in the included instructions.


    amor no correspondido. AMOR NO CORRESPONDIDO.

  • Silas1066
    Dec 29, 07:03 AM
    The India remark is not a bash against Indians, it is a bash against overseas outsourcing, and to some extent insourcing.

    India does not have the worker protections, laws, etc. that the US has. The country is basically a sweat shop, and Indian consulting firms, desperate for American business, will routinely lie, overestimate their ability to complete a project, and then treat their workers like crap. The result is the project rarely gets done correctly. This is from 15 years IT experience -I have seen it many, many times.

    Microsoft routinely ships development projects to India in order to tap into low-wage labor and avoid US laws. Apple probably does some of this as well, although MS is notorious for it. The quality of MS products has gone down, perhaps as a result of this (among many other factors).

    Cloud computing may ultimately mean that a H1B comes into your company, drops a couple circuits in, and everything runs from India: no need to hire American workers. The office is "virtualized." When the Indian workers become expensive, the Indian firms just ship those jobs over to China.

    10 years from now, the IT industry in the US may have gone the way of the textile industry, with basically everyone losing their jobs. I hope that doesn't happen, because I like working in this industry, and my kid likes computers ...


    As far as MS being the best corporate infrastructure, give me a break. Microsoft ripped off Novell to get Active Directory (which isn't even as good -it lacks fault tolerance and the performance is poor), and before that ripped off Apple to get the GUI. Windows 7 looks like a cheap OSX knock-off made in mainland China. MS steals ideas, Apple is the innovator.

    As I said before, MS makes good front-end applications, and a few good back-end ones as well (SQL is good but very, very expensive -Exchange is a piece of shi*). Their OS still runs on old technology and it shows.

    GPOs can do ten million things, 95% of which corporations never use -that is called feature creep.

    amor no correspondido. amor n o correspondido
  • amor n o correspondido

  • maya
    Feb 12, 02:32 PM

    a Mod-Mini, WTH :p ;) :)


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  • tdbaws
    Mar 6, 10:56 PM
    does anyone know of any existing thread/another site where I can ask questions about final cut pro?

    amor no correspondido. amor no correspondido.
  • amor no correspondido.

  • Cougarcat
    Mar 25, 11:34 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8F190)

    I'm just wondering when they're going to unveil it! If I'm not mistaken, March/April is usually the announcement period, with a launch in June-July.

    They haven't announced anything yet, which either means that they're working on something HUGE, or it's behind schedule

    I've been thinking about that: remember when there were rumors of OS X delays because the Mac team was pulled onto the iOS team in order to get 3.0 out? I'm wondering if the opposite is happening now - the iOS team has been pulled onto the Lion team in order to get Lion ready for a summer launch. This could be the reason we're not hearing much about iOS 5.

    Patience. We didn't hear much if anything about iOS 4 this time last year. It was announced in April.

    Anyways, if they add turn-by-turn, bike routes, and remove the awful need for "calibration" (I expect this needs an improvement in the GPS hardware?) I'll be thrilled.


    amor no correspondido. imagenes de amor
  • imagenes de amor

  • jrko
    Apr 9, 11:49 AM
    ok so hunting 10.5 disc that doesn't cost more than the machine in the first place!

    Will 2Gb of ram solve my video streaming issues? I've been looking at ATI 9800 with 128mb ram and they are pretty cheap from a pc.

    how do you go about flashing one?

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  • imagenes de amor

  • mikethewxguy
    Apr 22, 11:28 AM

    Direct link:


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  • veeco3110
    Jul 9, 11:32 AM
    I'll be there! Haha last year the line for the iPhone wrapped around the building. Should he fun

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  • simsaladimbamba
    Mar 26, 12:32 PM
    No, as they are already highly compressed using some MPEG-4 codec and iPhoto can read them as they are.


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  • ViciousShadow21
    Apr 16, 08:31 PM
    Not really a fan of her's, just thought the pic was cool haha
    Thanks to Melrose for sending me the icons. Hope i gave you a lot to go with now haha

    amor no correspondido. un amor mal correspondido
  • un amor mal correspondido

  • MacBacker
    Feb 10, 07:05 AM
    I know that this is out of left field but does anybody know if switiching from a 1400 family plan to a 700 family plan but still paying over $100 in monthly charges affect the yearly updgrade for the primary line.

    I'm looking to downgrade as I have over 7000 roll over minutes and save $20.00 but I wouldn't be worth it if I lose my yearly upgrade.

    You won't lose your upgrade eligibility. I changed mine and my upgrade date is still the same.


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  • Chase R
    Apr 1, 01:15 PM
    this is mine right now but i am switching it later on today because the real opening day is today. RED SOX NATION!!!!


    I love the office!

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  • tobefirst
    Oct 10, 04:53 PM
    ...and if you already have an image tied to that person, it will overwrite it with their twitter pic

    I don't care for that at all either. In fact, I would like to have it the other way- it shows my contact pic INSTEAD OF a tweeter's picture if I have one. It just replaced my sister's picture with the blank Twitter icon. Not cool.

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  • mif
    Dec 3, 07:14 AM
    SchneiderMan said: That is the weirdest wallpaper I have ever seen. No offense, well kinda..

    How true :D (it is my feminine HAL-9000)

    This is the original (lower) and the present (upper):

    (Octree raytracing rendering time with soft shadows and four area lights 1 min 50 sec. 60000 polygons 2560 X 1440).

    Dec 19, 01:11 AM
    here's my little contribution to this contest...

    Aug 8, 09:50 PM
    My desktop:

    Jul 6, 07:01 PM
    Well I was going to get a PB but I just can't see a justification for the price on the 15" 1ghz even if I would prefer portability so I've decided to get a G4 PM. My question is if panther will take advantage of a second cpu, otherwise I'll just get a SP.

    Aug 9, 01:42 PM
    Not a very good selection....

    May 2, 11:46 AM
    I've owned my SB (2011) MBP for over a month now. I have yet to use the Thunderbolt port and wished many times that it had USB3.0 support. Are there any Thunderbolt adapters available on the market yet? TB to USB 3.0 would be great. Alternatively a docking station would be cool. Anything besides the one LaCie drive?

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