Thursday, June 2, 2011

funny quotes about life pictures

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  • Enori
    Feb 1, 10:57 AM (

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  • WillEH
    Apr 28, 07:46 PM
    Why? The law requires an rights owner to defend its IP or risk losing it. These suits are just business, no hard feelings, as seen by Apple's monster-sized component contract w/ Samsung. Any yes, business is about making money.

    I suppose you're right. :eek:

    funny quotes about life pictures. Funny Life Quotes
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  • t56camaro
    Oct 9, 11:57 PM
    Has anyone used Echofon Pro and Tweetie? I'm curious if its worth to buy and try out...

    I was using Echofon Pro, but after trying Tweetie 2 I've decided to switch. I can't say that Tweetie 2 is everything Echofon is and more, but it is definitely a net gain, in my opinion.

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  • Jiten
    Mar 28, 08:12 AM
    To LOLwinner. Your a law student? If that is true, I hope you never become a lawyer, our world need less people like you in our profession.


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  • SchneiderMan
    Feb 16, 02:40 PM
    Who said they were models? They're a girl band. Too bad the photo wasn't vastly over-photoshopped for your enjoyment. :rolleyes:

    Oh well then discard my past comment :o

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  • Pika
    Oct 9, 06:00 PM
    You don't pay for updates, Tweetie 1 had 7 free updates. Updates within the 2.0 version number will also be free. Same as EVERY piece of software for the desktop.

    Tell me.. what will happen when Tweetie 3, 4, 5... comes out?

    PAY AGAIN... AGAIN AND AGAIN... for minor upgrades.


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  • john_satc
    Feb 19, 03:22 PM
    i just tried to open a new finder window and one woudlnt open - i tried several times. then i tried opening up a folder through my desktop and that would open. i tried several other folders and none would work. i cant get into my folders or finder - help!?

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  • HikariYuki
    Feb 20, 12:03 AM
    Here's Mines (


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  • Lord Blackadder
    Jan 12, 06:04 PM
    In tha quality department .. VW is Garbage!!! Chrysler has a better rating then they do.. I would have choose the 300C myself and the 2011's are nice

    Hmm, garbage. A bit strong, maybe? Chrysler has made its fair share of substandard autos too. Most versions of the Neon apart from the early twincams were pretty awful. The Avenger, Stratus, Sebring? Not so much. The Nitro? eek. The 300C/Charger is not so great with the V6 IMO, but equipped with the Hemi (provided you can handle the horrific fuel economy) it does a fair impression of a musclecar. The Challenger is retro done well, but is a niche vehicle.

    I would take the current Golf over any of Chrysler's smaller offerings.

    I won't knock the TDI though.. it's impressive but I don't like wrong wheel drive

    I used to be a RWD snob, but I'm over it now. FWD cars can be very fun to drive and in the right hands they can equal the performance of equivalent RWD vehicles. The quality of drivetrain and overal design of the car is more important than where the drive wheels are when you're talking compact cars.

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  • bizzle
    Apr 3, 10:09 PM


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  • Shivetya
    Apr 8, 04:42 AM
    Some of the customer reviews on the iTunes download page are very critical of the controls for some games. Not sure how well they've ported these to the touch screen interface....

    Depends on if you look further than the displayed controls. By that I mean, with Tempest there is a slider on the left that lets you rotate around the play field and firing buttons on the right. However, what many miss is that you can control the entire movement around the screen by touch.

    Same for centipede/millipede/etc. Apparently most have a simulated control on the screen but they also have touch capability for movement control on the game surface as well.

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  • Granny-Smith
    Apr 6, 01:36 AM
    Macbooks haven't been updated since May 2010.


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  • jeremyb66
    Apr 4, 12:49 PM
    This shows that if the ATT and T-mobile deal is bad for the people.

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  • MatthewCobb
    Oct 6, 12:36 AM
    I quite understand why the web designers are complaining about this - it means that users can screw up something they have spent ages sorting out. But that already happens - enlarge the text size/window size/screen resolution adn everything goes out of whack. You're not telling me that the pages are designed to look marvellous at every combination of the above?! And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I hate doing web design. Paper doesn't have that problem - users can't fool around with the end product. But that's the way we're going, so you'd better get used to it, or move back into the paper industry...


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  • OrangeSVTguy
    Apr 22, 11:54 PM
    I have only been folding with my GPUs since folding the CPU puts off way too much heat. Im hoping to have my air conditioning hooked up soon, it's all free since I work in the sheet metal/hvac trade :p

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  • bbydon
    Jan 10, 12:35 PM
    Best one in years...too bad they didnt release ilife though


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  • caspersoong
    Apr 29, 04:16 AM
    I always thought that Apple could not meet demand... or is that still so?

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  • Deefuzz
    Dec 2, 11:43 PM
    Using this one right now, pumped for the movie and can't find any of my Christmas themed wallpapers right now.

    funny quotes about life pictures. funny quotes on life images.
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  • Mudbug
    Jan 14, 03:15 PM
    it's not just you. ;)

    Oct 16, 11:10 AM
    I was hoping the new web version would have a spam filter or domain blocker but I don't see it mentioned in the ad.

    Aug 31, 05:25 AM
    Pretty awful thing to do - it's like when people leave their dogs in the car on a hot day - even with the windows rolled down they can still die from the heat sadly. Luckily from the looks of it here the baby wasn't left that long to cause that much harm, but it could've been worse. That guy deserves to be arrested imo.

    Jun 20, 12:49 PM
    How about Ardmore?

    Mar 20, 09:14 AM
    Man! I've got a lot to learn :o Thanks for sharing those figures. The frustrating thing is the pricing spectrum for design is so wide, it's hard for a beginner to get a decent idea of what to charge. I guess I have to look at as many pricing sources as possible and and try to distill some figures? I have the "Graphic Artist Guild" handbook, but those prices are through the roof. I imagine they're for seasoned professionals working for major clients. Thanks again!

    I was quite happy paying $100 and $400. I believe that I got a great deal!!

    Hope your business does very well!!


    Apr 7, 08:44 AM
    These are rather quick updates.....

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